Laravel Herd

Documentation for Windows

Laravel Forge

Laravel Forge

Herd has a seamless integration with Laravel Forge and allows you to interact and deploy your Herd site directly on Forge. After connecting your site, you are able to deploy the site, open an SSH connection, grab your environment variables or open the site within Forge with a single click.

Connect Herd with your Laravel Forge account

To use the Forge integration, you need to set up at least one Forge account in the Integrations tab of the settings. Select Connect Service and select Laravel Forge. Herd supports multiple Forge accounts in case you have separate accounts for your personal sites and sites that you manage at work.

During the setup process, Herd connects to your Laravel Forge account and obtains an OAuth token during the authorization.

When Forge and Herd are connected, it shows up in the integrations list. This means that you are ready to link local sites with sites on Forge now.

When the integration is set up, you can open the Sites panel, select a site and press the button to connect this site to one or more sites on Forge. This allows you to access development, staging and production environments directly from one Herd site.

After you've selected a site, you can deploy the site with the icon in the main toolbar or use the other functions on the right side of the panel.


Deploying a site is as easy as clicking on the deployment button.

If you click on this button, you can select the deployment target and confirm your action. After that, the deployment is triggered on Forge. You can follow the deployment status in the status bar at the bottom of the window.


The Forge button open your site in Forge and gives you access to all Forge features.


You can directly open an SSH connection in your favorite terminal from the site menu.


If you want to copy some environment variables from a Forge site to recreate the same setup locally, you can open your .env file with the .env button.


The Herd integration with the Forge CLI allows you to omit servers and sites from commands which makes it super easy to interact with your sites via the command line. Just run forge to see all available commands or go through the list below.

command Execute a CLI command
deploy Deploy a site
open Open a site in
ssh Start an SSH session
tinker Tinker with a site
daemon:list List the daemons
daemon:logs Retrieve the latest daemon log messages
daemon:restart Restart a daemon
daemon:status Get the current status of a daemon
database:logs Retrieve the latest database log messages
database:restart Restart the database
database:shell Start a database shell
database:status Get the current status of the database
deploy:logs Retrieve the latest deployment log messages
env:pull Download the environment file for the given site
env:push Upload the environment file for the given site
nginx:logs Retrieve the latest Nginx log messages
nginx:restart Restart Nginx
nginx:status Get the current status of Nginx
php:logs Retrieve the latest PHP log messages
php:restart Restart PHP
php:status Get the current status of PHP
server:current [current] Determine your current server
server:list List the servers
server:switch [switch] Switch to a different server
site:list List the sites
site:logs Retrieve the latest site log messages
ssh:configure Configure SSH key based secure authentication
ssh:test Test the SSH key based secure authentication connection

If the CLI detects more than one linked site, it asks you which one you want to use before running the command:

Select the Forge integration to use: ────────────────────────┐

Version Control

Herd stores the server and site ids in a herd.yml within the root of your project. This way, everyone on your team can directly access the site if they have access to the site in Forge. If you want to fully leverage the herd.yml, read more here.

server-id: 12345
site-id: 67890