Laravel Herd

Documentation for Windows

Laravel Reverb

Set up dedicated Laravel Reverb services

Laravel Reverb is a first-party WebSocket server for Laravel applications. It's open source and uses the Pusher protocol, making it the first choice for real-time communication between client and server in Laravel applications.

While you can install it as a package into your existing application, it often makes sense to have a dedicated WebSocket server for all your applications.

Screenshot of MySQL settings


Laravel Reverb starts the WebSocket server on port 8080 but you can change it when creating a new service in case you're already running a different service on that port or want to run multiple instances in parallel. After installing Reverb, you can use the following environment variables to configure the service for your application.


Check out the Laravel Echo documentation to learn how to connect your application frontend to the Laravel Reverb server.


Reverb uses composer and Herd supports updating Reverb to it's latest version via the Herd UI.