Laravel Herd

Documentation for macOS

Additional PHP Extensions

Installing additional PHP extensions

You may add additional PHP extensions that are not included out of the box with Herd, by installing them via Homebrew and pecl.

Adding extensions

Installing additional extensions requires you to install PHP via Homebrew in order to compile them.

You can do this by running:

brew install php

Once PHP is installed via Homebrew, you may install the extension:

pecl install [extension-name]

This creates an [extension].so extension file that you can now activate and use with Laravel Herd.

On an M1/M2 Mac, the extension can be fount at /opt/homebrew/lib/php/pecl. On an Intel Mac, it will be at /usr/local/lib/php/pecl.

Activating extensions

You may activate your custom extensions by editing your php.ini file. This file is located at ~/Library/Application Support/Herd/config/php/<version>/php.ini..

# Absolute path to the file